It is our goal to help our youth achieve their dreams and aspirations and to prepare them to confidently face challenges while promoting strength of mind, body and character..

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Company Profile

What We’re Doing

Carlisle  Victory  Circle


Founded: 1995

Founders:  : Linda A. Manning and

                     Timothy Scott



Educational Activities


The Carlisle Victory Circle, Inc. (CVC) is a United Way Agency established in 1995 with a mission to challenge young people to prepare for their future through education and character development. With a dedicated CVC Board of Directors, parents, school teachers and counselors the focus is to promote students to have a better appreciation for academic achievement. The CVC works in concert with the Carlisle Area School District, Dickinson College, Penn State Dickinson School of Law, the YWCA, Hope Station, and Shippensburg University.

School progress and career development meetings

Job and Career Shadowing Experiences

Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorations

Black History Month

Women's History Month

Hispanic Heritage Month

Kwanzaa Celebration

Ongoing partnerships with Shippensburg University, Dickinson College and Penn State Dickinson Law